Cast Your Cares

If there’s one thing my husband has learned about me after ten years of marriage, it’s that I typically have to have some sort of motivation to run otherwise boring errands. So naturally, it was his idea that before embarking on #adulting activities, we first stop off at The Clay Lady’s Campus for their Ugly…

And the Winner Is…

What is it about humans that love a label? I think we go through life picking up scraps that someone has said about us or maybe how we’ve experienced ourselves in contradiction to something we’ve read – however it happens, it sticks with us and just like that, we’re labeled. The label I’d given myself…

Open Mouths, Open Hands

My husband and I always catch flashes of red flying through the green canopy in our backyard. “We must have a cardinal nest around here,” he said. We must. I’m not complaining. After my grandparents passed, it always warmed our hearts to see the red birds flying with their muted female counterparts and landing on…

Still Blooming

I love following artist and writer, Morgan Harper Nichols on Instagram. Her words and accompanying art always seem to catch me right when and where I need them. “I am not who I used to be and that is a beautiful thing and even here, in new unknowns, I know: I am still blooming.” -Morgan…

Keep the Receipts

It was one year ago today that everything changed. We were putting in a full day of work and training a new employee. We attended an event that evening… and an hour after we left, the building and surrounding neighborhoods were hit with tornadoes. Mere weeks later, the country quarantined from COVID. Everything was different….